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Aug 27, 2015

Advisor Talking Points: As you prepare for client interactions, this week’s analysis compares 2008 with today. Additionally, what generally precipitates bear markets and the plunge in commodity prices are also included.

Aug 20, 2015

As you prepare for client interactions, this week’s analysis includes a look at the mixed signals in the FOMC's minutes, the latest slide in oil prices

Aug 17, 2015

Most advisors are very strong "numbers people." Left-brain activities come naturally to them, and doing something data-heavy like putting together a financial plan is right up their alley. But, oftentimes, right-brain activities like communication skills can fall to the wayside, and that's a shame, because...

Aug 13, 2015

Advisor Talking Points: As you prepare for client interactions, this week’s analysis includes a look at recent events in China and offers a balanced perspective, a review of China GDP – can you trust the numbers, the Fed and a September rate hike, and a look ahead.

Aug 7, 2015

What’s Working Now: This advisor became the go-to-Medicare expert in his community and the referrals started rolling in.